Tue, 14 December 2010
Celebrating one full year of your favorite security podcast! |
Thu, 9 December 2010
Wed, 1 December 2010
Wed, 24 November 2010
Thu, 4 November 2010
Episode 34 - So You Wanna be a CISO
JJ and Martin schools us on PCI essentials for the SMB
Thu, 28 October 2010
Thu, 21 October 2010
Thu, 7 October 2010
Wed, 29 September 2010
Thu, 23 September 2010
Thu, 16 September 2010
Sorry, dear listener, but due to issues beyond our control for this episode we're going to bypass show notes and simply say this...
Mike Rothman is our Guest Co-Host (Thank you, Mike!) Steve Ragan is our New Yankee. Joseph Sokoly is our new Production Assistant. The feature interview is with Todd Merrill who is CEO of GlobalCrypto. We'll hopefully be back to regular show notes next week.
Martin (the other co-host) |
Thu, 9 September 2010
- We have some exciting things planned for the near future. Stay tuned for more details |
Wed, 1 September 2010
Fri, 27 August 2010
Episode 25 - There Is Something In The Water
Thu, 19 August 2010
Episode 24 - Missing, one news Yankee, reward offered.IntroductionsAnnouncements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. Two good, ole boys from the south who are living north of the Mason Dixon Line. Once again Steve had to bow out for the evening. I'm not sure the intertubes can handle all 3 of us North of the border. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction 1. Regulations are everywhere 2. Security Walk-thru
- We have some exciting things planned for the near future. Stay tuned for more details |
Tue, 10 August 2010
Episode 23 - Ridin' the Google Wave .....IntroductionsAnnouncements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. Two good, ole boys from the south who are living north of the Mason Dixon Line. Once again it's only Martin and Andy this week.
- Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction 1. Andy gloats in his role in killing Google Wave while Martin apologizes for our role in it's demise.
3. Will the C's ever learn? Upcoming Features & Events - Andy will be a guest on Securabit on August 11th. - We have some exciting things planned for the near future. Stay tuned for more details |
Fri, 6 August 2010
Episode 22 - Elvis Has Left The BuildingIntroductionsAnnouncements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. Two good, ole boys from the south who are living north of the Mason Dixon Line. Once again we're all together to record this week. It's been a few weeks due to all sorts of technical and life issues. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction 1. Invasion of the consumer devices
2. Who still uses IE6? 3. Dealing w/ Policy breaches in a serious way Upcoming Features & Events - Andy will be a guest on Securabit on August 11th. - We have some exciting things planned for the near future. Stay tuned for more details |
Thu, 22 July 2010
Sun, 18 July 2010
This week is all about the interview Andy and Martin did with Jack Daniel...
Wed, 7 July 2010
Thu, 1 July 2010
Episode 18 - Amazon fall down go boom.
Wed, 9 June 2010
Thu, 3 June 2010
Episode 16 - AV is deadIntroductions Introductions Is AV dead?
Bye Bye Windows
Tonight we have a interview with Chris Burton (@cyberhiker on Twitter) about his Security fu and FISMA. Martin actually let me join him for this interview!
Upcoming Features & Events
Thu, 27 May 2010
Episode 15 - We miss MartinIntroductions Introductions People still really use IE?
Watch those browser tabs
How to NOT audit @Shrldu
http://layer8.itsecuritygeek.com/layer8/audit-instructions/ How many ways can privacy be screwed up
Upcoming Features & Events
Wed, 19 May 2010
Wed, 12 May 2010
Wed, 5 May 2010
Episode 12 - BOFHIntroductions Introductions Terry Childs...BOFH...
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/28/sf_sysadmin_guilty/ http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9176114/Terry_Childs_juror_explains_why_he_voted_to_convict http://blogs.eweek.com/careers/content001/workplace_tech/terry_childs_guilty_verdict_is_a_warning_to_it_workers.html Symantec Acquires PGP and Guardian Edge... http://www.darkreading.com/security/encryption/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=224700251 Web Apps are the red-headed step child of security... http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201017/5585/Web-Applications-still-posing-risk-while-businesses-shift-funds-elsewhere Upcoming Features & Events
Thu, 29 April 2010
Episode 11 - "What the Hell?"Introductions Introductions -Gizmodo - WTH?
http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201017/5562/Gizmodogate-Journo-s-home-raided-in-4G-iPhone-investigation -Blippy - WTH?. http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201017/5567/Blippy-begins-recovery-from-credit-card-incident http://erratasec.blogspot.com/2010/04/thats-not-lesson-lessons-unlearned-from.html -McAfee - WTH? http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201016/5550/McAfee-aftermath-%E2%80%93-impact-numbers-and-recovery-resources-remain Upcoming Features & Events
Thu, 15 April 2010
Episode 10 - TWO DIGITS!Introductions Introductions -Microsoft IT outsourcing
http://www.infosys.com/newsroom/press-releases/Pages/IT-desk-side-services.aspx http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=5891 -NSA posts budget request http://www.informationweek.com/news/government/security/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=224202447&cid=RSSfeed_IWK_Security -How to Get into InfoSec http://erratasec.blogspot.com/2010/04/first-steps-to-career-in-information.html Interview - Live Interview with Carlos "Dark Operator" Perez Upcoming Features & Events
Mon, 29 March 2010
Thu, 11 March 2010
Episode 9 - "Crossing the Streams with Michael Farnum"Introductions
Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Interview Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew at the website. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to Episode 9 of the SFS Podcast. Tonight we are recording in front of a live audience at the Gordon Biersch Brewery in Buckhead. The recording took place right after the Atlanta NAISG meeting featuring Michael Farnum with Accuvant. Michael joins us tonight as we talk about security and who knows what else. - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction -Irresponsible Behavior? - Fiserv tells it's customers to stay on outdated, insecure version of Adobe Reader because of compatibility issues.
http://www.krebsonsecurity.com/2010/03/fiserv-to-banks-stay-on-outdated-adobe-reader/ -Careers in Security - 3 articles looking at different aspects of your career management plan. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/magazineFeature/0,296894,sid14_gci1394537_mem1,00.html http://www.csoonline.com/article/550413/From_the_CIO_Why_You_Didn_t_Get_the_CISO_Job http://www.csoonline.com/article/504903/Undercover_A_Painful_Lack_of_Security_Jobs -Do metrics really matter? - We're told to collect them but do we know what to collect and what to do with them? http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/magazineFeature/0,296894,sid14_gci1394672_mem1,00.html - Interview - Live Interview with Michael Farnum Upcoming Features & Events - SecureWorld Expo April 27 -28, 2010 Andy and Martin will both be presenting. |
Sat, 6 March 2010
We interviewed Josh shortly after Shmoocon and talked about PCI, Rugged Software, and Information Asymmetry... Enjoy!
Direct download: Special_Episode_-_Josh_Corman_Interview.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:14pm EDT |
Thu, 4 March 2010
Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Leadership Moment Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew at the website. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to Episode 8 of the SFS Podcast. - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction - Verizon Incident Sharing Metric Framework
http://www.verizonbusiness.com//resources/whitepapers/wp_verizon-incident-sharing-metrics-framework_en_xg.pdf - PCI - Throwing money away? Ponemon pulls numbers out of ....... http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/030110-pci-compliance-audit-cost.html?fsrc=netflash-rss No one is compliant even with spending a fortune. http://www.csoonline.com/article/559863/RSA_2010_Why_41_Percent_of_You_Would_Fail_a_PCI_Audit - Your Web App IS broken This should get managements attention http://www.communities.hp.com/securitysoftware/blogs/rafal/archive/2010/02/25/a-big-case-of-oops.aspx http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201008/5304/WepAppSec-The-reality-of-Web-development-and-security - Life before Google http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2010/02/27/life-before-google-cartoon/?utm_source Leadership Moment - Martin and Andy discuss the role of the CISO and just how technical they need to be or not be. Upcoming Features & Events - Atlanta NAISG March Meeting sponsored by Accuvant and featuring Michael Farnum. - Did you like the podcast? Please leave us feedback on the discussion boards, in ITunes, or via email, twitter or face-to-face. - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by reaching out to us on the discussion boards. We'll read each one - we promise! - We're looking for what you'd like to hear us talk about in regards to leadership topics or other main discussion points. |
Thu, 25 February 2010
Episode 7 - "The Boys Are Back In Town"Introductions
Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Interview Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew at the website. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to Episode 7 of the SFS Podcast. We're back tonight after taking last week off due to travel and technical issues. We've got some great news stories, a fantastic interview and absolutely no Google, Apple or Adobe gripes. Well, at least not any that I'm planning on making. - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction - Private eyes they're watching you. Someones gonna get fired over this.
http://www.courthousenews.com/2010/02/18/24789.htm http://strydehax.blogspot.com/2010/02/spy-at-harrington-high.html - You dropped a bomb on me. http://www.krebsonsecurity.com/2010/02/time-bomb-may-have-destroyed-800-norfolk-city-pcs/ - Cyber ShockWave. No one was shocked and there was no awe. http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201007/5245/Report-The-Cyber-ShockWave-event-and-its-aftermath Interview with Bill Brenner - Martin sat down with Bill Brenner, of CSO Online, at Shmoocon and talked about the 10 questions, life and security. Upcoming Features & Events - Did you like the podcast? Please leave us feedback on the discussion boards, in ITunes, or via email, twitter or face-to-face. - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by reaching out to us on the discussion boards. We'll read each one - we promise! - We're looking for what you'd like to hear us talk about in regards to leadership topics or other main discussion points. |
Fri, 12 February 2010
Episode 6 - "Shmoocon Recap"
Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Shmoocon Highlights Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew at the website. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to Episode 6 of the SFS Podcast. Tonight we're going to focus on the news and let Martin tell us about his adventures at Shmoocon. At least those he remembers and can tell. Remember, What happens in DC is open for all the world to see. There are no secrets within the Beltway. - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction - Trustwave 2010 Breach Report
https://www.trustwave.com/pressReleases.php?n=020210 - Is it time for an Adobe Reboot? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/05/adobe_security_modest_proposal/ - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/09/adobe_flash_crash_bug/ - Google takes what's left of your privacy and throws it out the window http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201005/5193/Google-turns-to-the-NSA-for-help-should-you-worry http://lastwatchdog.com/google-nsa-collaboration-draws-alarm/ Shmoocon Recap - Martin loaded up the Shmoopedition and headed to DC to brave record snow fall and to bring you back all the Shmoo news.
- Upcoming interviews - Upcoming Leadership Moments Playing Your Part - Did you like the podcast? Please leave us feedback on the discussion boards, in ITunes, or via email, twitter or face-to-face. - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by reaching out to us on the discussion boards. We'll read each one - we promise! - We're looking for what you'd like to hear us talk about in regards to leadership topics or other main discussion points. |
Wed, 3 February 2010
Episode 5 - Martin learns how to use the mute button (then he forgets)Introductions Introductions - Ponemon validates the CISO
http://www.csoonline.com/article/print/522767 - Get your head out of the cloud or your @&& may be on your shoulders http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/01/26/urnidgns852573C400693880002576B7006E3A79.DTL - Do we owe the Chinese an apology? http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201004/5151/Was-Operation-Aurora-really-just-a-conventional-attack http://lastwatchdog.com/googles-china-threat-ignite-cyber-cold-war/ Interview with Jennifer Jabbusch - Martin sits down with JJX to talk about life, security, and Asian women. - Notice how Martin conveniently schedules interviews when Andy isn't available. :) - Notice how Martin is the person all of the nice interviewees *want* to talk to... ;-) - In all seriousness, the audio quality of the interview isn't 100% (Skype drops and Martin thinking he was muted) but what Jennifer has to say is so good we want to be sure you get a listen.
- "Redneck Security Moment of the Month" |
Thu, 28 January 2010
Episode 4 - Aurora BoarallofusIntroductions
Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk News and Other Items of Distraction Upcoming Features & Events Playing Your Part Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew at the website. Announcement, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome again to Episode 4 of the SFS Podcast. Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... News and Other Items of Distraction - More on Google and Aurora
Google is using the Aurora issue as "justification" for keeping as much data as possible on us. And you wonder why Andy doesn't like Google. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/20/fleischer_google/ Microsoft knew about the vulnerability that Aurora exploited way back in August 2009. Were they irresponsible for not patching it already? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/22/aurora_exploit_known_months/ - Problems with Authentication AT&T sends users to others social media accounts. http://information-security-resources.com/2010/01/21/social-networks-logging-into-wrong-account/ All your passwords belong to us. I really hope you are more creative than this. http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201003/5124/Password-problems-back-in-the-spotlight-thanks-to-new-research - Social Media Woes Careful who you let "follow" you on social media sites http://www.computerforensicsdigest.com/215-twitter-comment-lands-british-man-in-jail.html Leadership Moment - Where does IS fit in your organization http://arstechnica.com/business/guides/2010/01/where-to-locate-the-is-security-function-and-how-to-manage-it.ars
- "Redneck Security Moment of the Month"
- The Atlanta Shmoopedition (Last Call For Riders!!!!).... Playing Your Part - Did you like the podcast? Great! Andy really wants a MBP17...no matter what he says to the contrary... - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by reaching out to us on the discussion boards. We'll read each one - we promise! |
Wed, 20 January 2010
Episode 3 - Third Time's the CharmI. Introductions II. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk III. News and Other Items of Distraction IV. Redneck Security Story V. Upcoming Features and Events V. Playing Your Part I. Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew on The Staff page. II. Announcement, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to Episode 3 "Third Time's the Charm" of the SFS Podcast. We hope that we get all the post production kinks worked out - and if they aren't we're docking Martin's pay. We hope you have enjoyed the first few episodes and will continue to join us each week as we talk about Information Security from a uniquely southern perspective (with a little Yankee thrown in for balance). - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - More fun interviews with real southern heroes is coming so stay tuned! - Check out the rest of the site: Discussions and feedback, the blog, III. News and Other Items of Distraction A). The latest on the Google (and many others) attack. 1. Insider threat? - http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201003/5098/Google-investigating-insider-threat-possibility 2. Bye Bye IE6? - http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201003/5096/Google-s-attack-causes-knee-jerk-reaction-from-Germany http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201003/5095/Germany-advises-against-using-Internet-Explorer B). Natural Disasters and Scams 1. Yele Haiti Foundation catches heat.- http://www.youtube.com/user/wyclef?blend=1&ob=4 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/15/AR2010011504024.html http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201002/5076/Think-before-you-donate-to-Haiti-or-any-other-cause 2. SEO by the bad guys - http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201002/5083/BlackHat-SEO-targeting-Haiti-related-searches IV. Redneck Security Story
Our first Redneck Security Story actually comes from a Yankee. At least he currently lives north of the Mason-Dixon line. Thanks to Alex Hutton for this story of Redneck security that just goes to prove "It's not where you live that determines the color of your neck". V. What's Next? 1. Atlanta Shmoopedition 2010 2. More Interviews with some of the brightest InfoSec professionals coming up. 3. Atlanta NAISG Feb 10, 2010 Sponsored by Barracuda 4. Send your written or recorded "Redneck Security Stories" (which Martin refers to as "Our Special RSS Feed"...) V. Playing Your Part - Did you like the podcast? Great! We like 20's and 50's with non-sequential serial numbers... - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by adding comments to the discussion boards. We'll read each one - we promise! |
Fri, 15 January 2010
Episode 2 - "Now With Improved Audio Quality!"I. IntroductionsII. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk III. News and Other Items of Distraction IV. Interview with shrdlu... V. Playing Your Part I. Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew on The Staff page. II. Announcement, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to Episode 2 redux of the SFS Podcast. We re-released this episode due to audio quality issues. - Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. - More fun interviews with real southern heroes is coming so stay tuned! - Check out the rest of the site: Discussions and feedback, the blog, III. News and Other Items of Distraction A.) Google reconsiders operations in China. http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-approach-to-china.html Google is not happy with some things that have happened in China and may be packing their bags and leaving the country. B.) IT Job Satisfaction continues to drop. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2010/010610-surveys-it-job-satisfaction-plummets.html?fsrc=netflash-rss http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201002/5066/Forrester-says-technolo The economy is starting to pick up and some unhappy IT professionals are brushing off their resumes. Companies need to start (or step up) their monitoring of the IT staff just in case. IV. Interview with shrdlu
- We are excited to have the first interview with shrdlu on any podcast... - Note that the Skype connection had a couple of problems but the interview content is amazing and we think you'll enjoy it. V. Playing Your Part - Did you like the podcast? Great! We like 20's and 50's with non-sequential serial numbers... - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by adding comments below. We'll read each one - we promise!
Direct download: SFS_Podcast_Episode_2_-_With_Improved_Audio_Quality.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:58am EDT |
Wed, 6 January 2010
Episode 1 - Take 2I. IntroductionsII. Announcements, Gossip, and Smack Talk III. News and Other Items of Distraction IV. Upcoming Features & Events V. Playing Your Part I. Introductions - Your co-hosts are Andy Willingham and Martin Fisher. - News analysis and general yankee-ness brought to you by Steve Ragan. - You can find out more about this motley crew on The Staff page. II. Announcement, Gossip, and Smack Talk - Welcome to episode 1 Take 2 of the SFS Podcast. Follow us on Twitter (@SFSPodcast) where we'll be tweeting about new episodes & interviews. The original episode 1 ended up on the cutting room floor so we're back from the holiday break and trying it again. - The podcast is intended to fill the gap between the technical podcasts on security and Security Now. We'll be focusing on operations, leadership, and news items that you may have missed the week before. - We want the podcast to be friendly, funny, and make it so you can listen to it with your kids in the car. Nothing against Pauldotcom and Exotic Liability (we listen to them too!) but we wanted to do something a little bit different... - Check out the rest of the site: Discussions and feedback, the blog, III. News and Other Items of Distraction A. EMC/RSA acquires Archer Technologies to further their IT GRC offering. http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201001/5027/EMC-to-boost-GRC-with-Archer-purchase http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/article/0,289142,sid14_gci1378096,00.htm http://blogs.csoonline.com/thoughts_on_emcs_acquisition_of_archer http://securosis.com/blog/rsa-archer B. Gartner buys Burton Group http://www.gartner.com/it/page.jsp?id=1272013 http://www.techcrunch.com/2010/01/05/research-consolidation-gartner-acquires-burton-group-for-56m-in-cash/ C. Kingston Recalls USB Flash Drives http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9143099/Kingston_recalls_some_USB_drives_due_to_security_flaw?source=rss_news http://erratasec.blogspot.com/2010/01/decrypting-usb-flash-drives-is-easy.html D. Predictions for 2010 This is where we jump on the prediction bandwagon and tell you your security future. Look into the crystal USB drive and give me your PII.
- Atlanta NAISG meeting is 01/13/09 - Details to be announced soon.
- "Redneck Security Moment of the Month" - The Atlanta Shmoobus.... - Interviews - We have our first interview lined up for the next episode and it promises to be a good one. We're not telling who it is yet (yes, we do know who it is) but it is someone that that you probably haven't heard interviewed on another podcast. At least not in a long time. V. Playing Your Part - Did you like the podcast? Great! We like 20's and 50's with non-sequential serial numbers... - Did you not like the podcast? Tell us how we can do better by adding comments below. We'll read each one - we promise! |